Heart Work
I thought it was
a dagger
that brought me
to my knees
when I would
think of you.
And then the ache
of healing
was the stab
and pull of
stitches through
I thought it was
a dagger
that brought me
to my knees
when I would
think of you.
And then the ache
of healing
was the stab
and pull of
stitches through
a raw wound.
But now I know
it was a
chisel in
my heart that
carved the space
where I can
always find you.
I see you’ve
begun to
the walls.
But now I know
it was a
chisel in
my heart that
carved the space
where I can
always find you.
I see you’ve
begun to
the walls.
Two years is a long time, and no time at all--it's hard to believe that Fal has been gone that long. My friend's life was much too short, but a loving and generous spirit never dies. She lives on in her family and in her friends--the ache of missing her is tempered by that knowledge. I like the image of Fal taking up residence in each of our hearts, creating a permanent space and making it beautiful--a place where each of us can find her, if we look closely enough.
Grateful for my time with you, my friend.
Stunning, Fran. Fal's smiling down.