I took this photo on East Beach last year, and today I captioned it. Because it's one of those days. And because we've all been here. Tossed and worn down by life, wondering when the waves will let up. But look at the pic again. This beach is beautiful, isn't it? Look at the pebbles, all smooth and polished. They didn't get that way from sitting in a puddle. I'll let you extend the metaphor however you want. I'm heading for shore.
Love how you put things! I'm swimming right behind you! Sal
ReplyDeleteYou'll git a HUGE reward in the Great Beyond, girl, moe than a runna-the-mill, normal person would. Lemme fill-you-up withe avant-gardeness necessary to achieve Seventh-Heaven...
ReplyDeleteNeed some new fangled thots, ideers, wirds or ironclad iconoclasms? Look no firdr...
VERBUM SAT SAPIENTI: As an ex-writer of the sassy, savvy, schizophenia we all go through in this lifelong demise, I just wanna help U.S. git past the whorizontal more!ass! we're in (Latin: words to [the] wise)...
"This finite existence is only a test, son," God Almighty told me in my coma. "Far beyond thy earthly tempest is where you'll find corpulent eloquence" (paraphrased). Lemme tella youse without d'New Joisey accent...
I actually saw Seventh-Heaven when we died, dear: you couldn't GET any moe curly, party-hardy-endorphins, extravagantly-surplus-lush Upstairs when my beautifull, brilliant, bombastic girl passed-away due to those wry, sardonic satires.
"Those who are wise will shine as brightly as the expanse of the Heavens, and those who have instructed many in uprightousness as bright as stars for all eternity" -Daniel 12:3
Here's also what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.
Go git'm, girl. You're incredible. See you Upstairs. I won't be joining'm in the nasty Abyss where Isis prowls
PS Need some uncommon, unique, uncivilized names? Lemme gonna gitcha started, brudda:
Oak Woods, Franky Sparks, Athena Noble, Autumn Rose, Faith Bishop, Dolly Martin, Willow Rhodes, Cocoa Major, Roman Stone, Bullwark Burnhart, Magnus Wilde, Kardiak Arrest, Will Wright, Goldy Silvers, Penelope Summers, Sophie Sharp, Violet Snow, Lizzy Roach, BoxxaRoxx, Aunty Dotey, Romero Stark, Zacharia Neptoon, Mercurio Morrissey, Fritz & Felix Franz, Victor Payne, Isabella Silverstein, Mercedes Kennedy, Redding Rust, Martini Phoenix, Ivy Wool, Sower Wolf, Yankee Cooky, b9...
God blessa youse
-Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL